Thursday, 26 May 2011


What do we really want in our life??

a) A++ score in exam?
   its may not easy to get it, but through some will n doa, yes, iA we can get it. But thus it enough? is it all we really want?

b) A perfect FAMILY
    may seems yes, but it is promise everything to our life?

c) FAME?
   FAME, guess everybody want to earn it and keep it, but how long will it last? 

    Bet all of us, (might be the girls) want it.. but what if the beauty doesnt come with brain? and the most Important, what if the beauty doest come with IMAN? is it worth?

e) MOnEy?
    Now, money is everything, people even can easily buy "other" people with money. Money may bring some happiness, but the truth is, money just bring 15% of happiness towards ur life, where the rest?

so, the QUESTION now is,

What do we really want in our LIFE, a short journey to go before we end in a LONG N FOREVER one...

ps- just a part of merepek things as i am too bored studying and thinking why i do need to study... hee.

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