Friday, 27 May 2011


ive been such a lazy medic girl now, malas nk study, there is no momentum.. n been talking a lot with my teddy bears, EE n Doggie.. haa, such a 5 years old girl.

EE is remembering anatomy, how "rajin" he is

EE , Brownie n DOggie2 sedang study group.. 
maybe im just so stress studying alone here as aqiedah and iiman (mangsa kacau) is not in da house :(

Im praying to ALLAH i dont loss the momentum, never stop fighting till the REAL war come...

Thursday, 26 May 2011


What do we really want in our life??

a) A++ score in exam?
   its may not easy to get it, but through some will n doa, yes, iA we can get it. But thus it enough? is it all we really want?

b) A perfect FAMILY
    may seems yes, but it is promise everything to our life?

c) FAME?
   FAME, guess everybody want to earn it and keep it, but how long will it last? 

    Bet all of us, (might be the girls) want it.. but what if the beauty doesnt come with brain? and the most Important, what if the beauty doest come with IMAN? is it worth?

e) MOnEy?
    Now, money is everything, people even can easily buy "other" people with money. Money may bring some happiness, but the truth is, money just bring 15% of happiness towards ur life, where the rest?

so, the QUESTION now is,

What do we really want in our LIFE, a short journey to go before we end in a LONG N FOREVER one...

ps- just a part of merepek things as i am too bored studying and thinking why i do need to study... hee.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

tk suka.

one thing that i hate when i get mad with others 

me my self becoming so SAD...

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


have you ever think...

you can remain love someone and stay by his side for the rest of your life, through the high and the low. Love them each second of your life.


do you ever do the same to ALLAH, remain obeying all HIS words and keep yourself against all the things ALLAH dislike, devoted the rest of your life for HIM ??

Keep in your HEART :

Ma fi Qalbi Ghairullah

 Put ALLAH first, 
the rest will soon come in order..

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Whatever it Takes - The Faders

Sunday, 8 May 2011


I was totally not into studying those 2 days ago, feel tired and lazy, then on saturday, i met kak sheeda at her house, she made me a super duper best apam balik. she talked about exam and studying.. there are 2 words inspiring me :

"ALLAH look into our effort" and "bersangka baik dengan ALLAH"

which the first words, it regarding exams, if we do not put any effort to pass the exam, how should the success come, Man Jadda Wa Jadda. who go for it, he will get it. So, stop malasing and keep focus on study.

the second one, means about life, anything that happens, ALLAH knows best.. though sometimes a thing that happen make us so sad, but think positive, ALLAH want to test us, and if we succeed, there is victory for us. May us succeed :) 

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

speak up.

hello guys, when you talk with a girl, please do show some respect to them yes, they might seems like open minded and some time might accept those joke, but deep down inside, 
they are still a GIRL, who sometimes found it irrelevant to talk those thing, and they still have perasaan MALU, as it fitrah seorang perempuan.  

yeah i might sound feminisms (a boy told me that i am FEMINISMS, couple of years ago), 
but THE TRUTH is I am totally dislike those men yang disrespect the girl. 

I might LOUD and OPEN but I am a TRADITIONAL and CONSERVATIVE girl. 

Tuesday, 3 May 2011


hurting a friend is more hurt than hurting an enemy..