Saturday, 25 February 2017

2 years

been quite long I havent scratch on my laptop.

Im currently on my 5 days leave, finishing my EOP in Psychiatric. my 6th posting.

Few of my friends query me, why this one? Why you didnt take ED.
because i love psychiatric so much, IA if i have chance,  will love to pursue my dream, to become a Pyschiatrist. Pray for me.

Past 2 years, alot of things happen in my life. And one of the most, is I'll get married to the man, that I love so much.

HO life
entering HO ship programme, Its a tough journey, with lots of drama. Finally I made it. Able to complete my 2 years HO programme, without any extension.
I Thanked ALLAH for giving strength to me, to complete this programme.
Few tips on surviving :
- make a good reationship with your nurses and PPK, when your bosses are like lion (not all of them,few I can say) they are the one you can laugh with. Its make your life easier. Nurses and PPK is human, give respect to them. When you asking for help, use word "Please"
- be a good team mate. DOnt burden your friends. DO work together, finished it earlier and able to go back early.
-enjoy the time, basically during HO, you will only be pak turut. But, when becoming pak turut, do undestand why your bosses order few plans. If you dont understand, ask. (I will usually ask when the MO/SPecialist is good / nice person )
- bear the stress. There is time when you get back home at 1am, and need to wake up to work at 4.30am. Bare in mind, only for 2 years you have to bear this. Dont quit. Be strong.
-Do not easily take EL/MC unless you required so. I was a cocaptain previously, who need to deal with HO roster. It stressful when waking up in the morning, and you received text from your friend they have to take EL/MC. Please, if it necessary, do so.

our wedding day 

My husband, Muhammad Afandi Mustapa.
- yes I get married during almost 8 months of HO ship
-I been through a previous relationship before , till one point I doesnt trust men in my life. Luckily this guy came in my life. Im so happy and thanks ALLAH for giving me opportunity, to cherish love in my life. Marrying him, one of the best decision.
- married couple, we love, we fight and argue a lot. But this strengthen our relationship.

my 1st car
My dream car, finally I able to grab it. Miss Jazzy.

Things that all for now, a little bit chatty today.

Bye, need to prepare for my flight tomorrow, leaving my husband here while Im meeting my besties in Uni.