Monday, 28 November 2011

fairy tales

There always a fairy tales lies in each girl heart 

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

BLOOD taKIng...

Before this, the time that dinanti-nantikan selaku pelajar medik adalah amik darah, hee cuak gila nk amik darah org, kat patung pun kdg dapat kadang tk, hee

but today, YEAHHH, i've done venessection on 5 people. 

HOORAAYYY !!! i want to remember this date.
-lupa nk mention, hee 3 success the other 2 not, sobs3..
the first one on budak, vein tk nampak, tk reti nk amik
second on mak cik, yeahaa dapat.
third on pak cik, sibuk tanya pak cik tu senang ke nk jadi doktor ni kalau pompuan, t sapa nk jaga kat rumah, kesian kat anak. hee kelakar soalan pak cik tu
fourth on a young man, huhh tk dpt amik drh, siap kena perli lg dgn mamat tu, takut2 mana nk dapat darah, perghhh pedas tu
fifth on mak cik as well. yeah dapat..

but its ok what, hee at least ada pencapaian sikit, biasala kan awal2 ni..
Oho, i am just so excited.

and yeah done cannulation on people as well, this one FAIL. on both attempts.


Wednesday, 9 November 2011


getting better,
i hope this is the end stage ..

lol, u can bring me sunshine, through all my days..