Friday, 30 September 2011


            when it happen to others, they silent.
    but when it happen to you, yeah, you speak it up..

Thursday, 29 September 2011

this is from u :)

This is from qiedah, i found it kinda sweet :)

i miss newcastle, i miss all of u so much, we couldnt turn the time back..


Jangan buat salah,
Jangan terlalu kecewa andai tersalah.
Jangan takut nanti salah.
Jangan ulangi perkara salah.
 Jangan pula merasakan diri tidak pernah salah.
Jangan cepat mengutuk orang yang bersalah.
Jangan mencari-cari pada orang lain perbuatannya yang salah.

Those words for reminder J

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Semakin dekat kita dengan hari esok,

Semakin dekat kita dengan hari kematian,

Semakin berkurang angka untuk ke hari kiamat..

Ya ALLAH,  bersediakah aku??

Saturday, 24 September 2011


Try answer this by YES or No

There is always somebody you gonna be friend with,

There is always somebody we wanna forever be friend with them,

There is always somebody, we want to tell every single thing to him/her,

There is always somebody we turn to when there is any problem,

There is always somebody we think of everyday,

There is always somebody we want to cheer them of,

There is always somebody we want to love,

There is always somebody meant for us,

There is always somebody, which when we see they're face, we always be mad,

There is always somebody which we always have fight,

There is always somebody which is one of our enemy,

There is always somebody we gonna scared for,

If most of your answer is NO,
Dude, check out, you might be not normal (joking > < " )... 

heee as normal person we  mostly have that somebody :)

Friday, 16 September 2011


i got a hectic life now,

ohoo no more kebebasan,

this is what i choose,

though i want to patah balik n choose to become a teacher..


Sunday, 4 September 2011


to be true.

I couldnt stop...