Wednesday, 27 July 2011


sangat sedap n tk jemu dengar hari2.

i dunno where to dload it, end up, bukak youtube dgr hari2.

nice one :)

im scared and so down.

when so scared and down,

read this.. 

       Dan bahwasanya seorang manusia tiada memperoleh selain apa yang telah diusahakannya, 
Dan bahwasanya usahanya itu kelak akan diperlihatkan kepadanya,
Kemudian akan diberi balasan kepadanya dengan 
balasan yang paling sempurna, 

 Dan bahwasanya kepada Rabbmulah kesudahan (segala sesuatu), 
(QS. 53:39-42)

Given to me by aqiedah, n i read it everyday now..

Sunday, 24 July 2011

a trip.

been a long time tak tulis blog, (padahal ada entry baru jgk, entry merepek).. one month ago, on 22 jun til 6 july, ALHAMDULILLAH, di beri kesempatan untuk berjalan2 bersama mama, mak tasha , tasha, min, mak min and kaka min. Its a very nice trip with us and our mother. But min and her family did not join us on tour to rome and turkey.. Turkey, a nice and fascinating place, I promise to myself, iA i will come back to this place, I fall in love with Turkey.. :) sepanjang perjalanan di bumi turkey, ada beberapa perkara yang ingin saya kongsi.. 

  •   Smoking

  Semasa di Istanbul, ramai sungguh orang smoking. Nak bernafas pun rasa sesak. Rimas sini sana ada asap rokok. One thing yang rasa sedih adalah bila melihat, perempuan2 arab/turkey (maybe) bertudung, nampak cantik ja but then tgah hisap rokok.. What the other people think about it, i dont know but in my opinion, seeing a women, with hijab and she's smoking in front of public, i lost my respect towards them. besides, there was one women with hijab,and she was smoking in front of her son. Dear aunt, dont you think those children know that smoking isnt good for their health? Sikap ibu bapa menentukan masa depan anak-anak.(pergh, dh macam pidato dh ni) Kemungkinan besar budak tersebut akan menjadi perokok juga.

  •    Solat

   Before pergi turkey lagi dh tau, some of the Muslim Turkish people tak sembahyang. Ketika bermalam di hostel di Istanbul, mama bertanya kepada empunya hostel arah kiblat. Laki tu jawab, sorry i dont know, Im not a good muslim.. Lalu kami mencari kiblat menggunakan iphone Tasha. But im thinking, how can you call yourself a muslim jika Rukun Islam tidak kamu laksanakan? Plus he is a man, which soon iA will get married and have their own child. He gonna be a leader for them.
 Ketika di hostel cappadocia, the owner of the hostel told me. The Turkish man only perform Friday prayer because they believe, if you failed to do so, no one will come to pray on your funeral.

  •    Berniaga

  I have a bad opinion, which tak suka meniaga, tk reti meniaga and seboleh2 nk elak diri dari meniaga. Alasan, segan.. Plus bila tengok orang meniaga, rasa sedih sangat tambahan lagi setengah kedai yang tak da pengunjung. Rasa sayu ja tengok mata peniaga2 tu. nak beli tapi tk da duit. hee. One day, semasa kat turkey, tengah panjat2 bukit konon2 nak g castle atas bukit (tak smpai pun, panjat separuh jalan sbb penat. he) nampak budak2 ni jual air. Rasa kesian sangat tguk depa kecik2 lagi dh kena meniaga. But. sy terlupa Rasulullah dulu, tim kecik2 dah ikut ayah saudaranya berniaga. Terlupa bahwa Nabi pernah bersabda perniagaan itu satu punca rezki, which 9/10 rezeki adalah dari peniagaan.

So, apa2 pun Turkey banyak mengajar saya pengalaman2 dan perkara baru. he k nk chow, lapaa nasi lemak dah ni, 

Monday, 18 July 2011


when you fall in love with somebody,
choose their "agama",
and if it loss from them
so your love towards them will also loss..

Sunday, 17 July 2011


they being hurt a lot, 
they gathered a lot of scar,
i can see the pains,

im sorry..
i dont want to be the caused of it..
ill try and prevent it..


thanks for everythings,

many thanks

kinda appreciate it.

sort of...

you could be blind,
you could be even deaf,

but for one in a lifetime,

do open your eyes,
and listen 

and knows..

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

this place

i will totally miss this place... 

the coldness, the people, everythings...

and my room..

superhero and bullier

satu ketika dahulu, sllu kena buli dgn sekumpulan budak laki jahat. diorg suka tarik2 rambut tim dalam bus, grrrr. geram sgt dgn diorg ni, then hehee ada sorg budak laki ni, chinese kot, tk ingt sgt . dia tinggi n dia yang sllu slamatkan. :) lepas dia turun bus, dia akan lambai2. dia sllu turun dkt dental gigi. maybe ayah dia kerja dentistry kot..

and to those who love to bully me dulu2.. this is a song dedicated for you .. how i hate those person yang buli dulu.. hee dendam masa kecik 

Saturday, 9 July 2011


I'm praying for eyes that can see
ears that listen 
a heart that understand..