Saturday, 29 January 2011

A good housewife??

hahahaha, dah rasa housewife yang baik pulak hari ni..
bangun pagi, masak (perangat) pasta iman masak semalam,
then g mengajar budak2 asas, which is very interesting. ajar diorg nyanyi lagu anak nabi Kita, ajar tarian poco-poco, then buat yoghurt buah. suka la spent time dgn budak2 tu, rasa rndu dekat mia kurang sikit main dgn diorg.
balik, basuh baju. sidai baju then projek memasak bermula, haha. buat sup, preparing for nasi ayam esok, suprise birthday for aqiedah :)
buat kek n finally keropok lekor. huuhu, skrg penatnyerr :)
n time to buat assignment.

-rasa syukur sangt phone dah jumpa, Thank you ALLAH
thats adding more smile to my life today :)

Friday, 28 January 2011


am i the one included in this disease, tim winter holiday hari tu, realise satu bnda, asyik terlupa ja bnda yang dibuat. masak air then terlupa tekan butang on,beberapa kali jadi mcm tu. Then, klu org pesan brg mmg tk ingt, org ckp exam dia ada paper ni, paper tu, then lepas 5 minit, blh tya balik paper apa dia exam. wala, ni dah mcm pesakit dementia dah.
pastu baca sikit ja then dah lupa, kena baca byak2 kali...
im start missing you phone kecik :(
lepas tguk cerita hani, hani pun mengalami masalah yang sama, senang lupa, dan dia di diagnose dgn barah otak. timbul rasa risau n takut, maybe betul ada sakit apa2, Nauzubillah.
Hope penyakit lupa ni hanya sementara. Harap bebas dari penyakit.'

but now, 28 jan, jus lost my phone :( sedih sesangat, tk ingt mana phone tu, dah try kal, awal2 ada ringtone, kal balik tadi phone tu dah off, mustahil la kalu bateri mati sbb pagi tadi baru ja charge. mayb sbb makan byk magi, jadi sng lupa, mayb sebb stress maka cortisol meningkat n ini mengurangkan daya ingatan.. sedih nya jadi mcm ni..

rasa mcm nak gelak kuat tguk cerita lawak, tapi, i just cant make my self smile.. 
serumpun berjuta perasaan sedih.

Thursday, 27 January 2011


Credit to ikha, who teach me to listen to this song.

mood semasa menulis ni - buhsan and kinda give up. penat menghadap kerja2 medik yang banyak..
wish one day out, travel to every places i want, panjat bukit, g tepi laut, hirup udara segar, lari sebentar dari bnda2 berunsur and berbau medik. :( :(

Monday, 24 January 2011


assignment kali ni pasal patient, kena get through a patient yang ada long life disability.
which rasa macam susah sikit sbb tk der pengalaman before this tguk orang yang ada penyakit macam ni,
tim arwah tok wan dulu pn tk da, sbb tim tu duduk mrsm.
klu banding kan assignment tim first year, which about a pregnant mother, it quite ok la. sbb pernah jaga angah masa dia mengandung n pantang dulu.

cepat pikir ayat formal!!
this time, i just dont get a clear picture about the things to write, plus,
rasa mcm buat novel jiwang n romance plak, 
cause involving his wife which willing
to jaga husband dia.
and each word yang dia guna tim interviews sgt la sweet 
n now, nk karang assignment tk tau mcm mn nak olah bagi nmpak kurang sweet n more to bahasa formal.
susahnyaa nk buat asignment nii...

A thing that i suddenly buy.

i guess i dont need it in my life,
when will I realise it isnt worth?
just wasting my time and money.

but i just cant stop buying..

although thousand of ways i tried
million of people said no


i still buy, buy and buy..

soon, one fine day, when i have the strength,
i will willingly stop to buy it.

Friday, 21 January 2011

A path

We cant walk pass our present day by forgetting those happening yesterday, and yet being excited about what coming on the next day.

As present - the day that we build in
The next day - the day we plan for
The yesterday - the one that keep remain in our mind, no matter how hard we try to get rid of it, its still keep coming.

Lets build our future through the things that we learn from the past and make those changes today.

Thursday, 20 January 2011


envy? tak puas hati?? 

i admit that i do envy some people for a few reason,only a few..
  1. Dato Siti - she has a great voice and can sing live very well.wish to have an angelic voice like her. haha, which it is impossible
  2. Dr halina - she got a handsome husband, syeikh muszpahar. hei, i want a handsome man too. This isnt  fair ;) -joking. btw, they both suit together. both pandai n segak, wish they happy together.
  3. Taylor swift - her brain in creating a nice song, based on all the things that happen and ruin her life. i really want to write a song about my childhood, when living in quarters penjara. main suluh laser dekat banduan. main lumba lari, panjat lori roti n menyanyi lagu P.Ramlee, hari keluarga dkt pantai batu feringgi.
  4. Albert einstein - being a genius, yeahhh, no need to read the book anymore. Masuk exam sehari selepas bercuti dn tk perlu hafal nama ubat.
  5. Sultan Brunei - aset dan harta yang banyak, wahaaa, blh shopping banyak, tk perlu berjimat cermat dan membuat akaun dan sekatan duit. Best nyaa KAYA.
  6. Siti Khadijah- she proposed the best man in the world, Prophet of Muhammad SAW. which i bet all the girls in the world should envy her. Mari berselawat sebentar :)

there is the list of people that im jealous for, a bunch of people i wanna be, some life i wish i have.


deep into my heart,
im pleased to be myself, 
the way i am, 
the way i live, 
being loved and love by my family,friends, enemies.he

There is no reason to envy others, 
as each of us has our own path
and ALLAH has created the best one for us 

Lets LOVE the WAY we ARE :)

Sunday, 16 January 2011



you will only left with pencil, eraser, student card, id,

exam paper, mcq sheet, water bottle



Friday, 14 January 2011




hang gliding,


anything la melibatkan udara n  terjun2 ni,
selain terjun bangunan bunuh diri

i wanna do it right now..

nak terjun x 100..

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Be Brand New

Left yourself in your warpath
Lost your balance on a tightrope
Lost your mind tryin' to get it back
Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything?
And everybody believed in you?

There's some things you can't speak of
But tonight you'll live it all again
You wouldn't be shattered on the floor now
If only you would sing what you know now then

Wasn't it easier in your firefly-catchin' days?
And everything out of reach, someone bigger brought down to you
Wasn't it beautiful runnin' wild 'til you fell asleep?

It's all right, just wait and see
Your string of lights is still bright to me
It's okay, life is a tough crowd
Time turns flames to embers

You'll have new life
Every one of us has messed up too
                                                    Life changes like the weather

I hope you remember
 Today is never to late to
Be brand new

ps:from one of my fav songs, i just edit it, put the words that i love most.
you're the one who know the REAL you.

Monday, 3 January 2011

ting tong

my head is currently not working well today, n again..

aargh, kinda hard to focus on the lecture note, plus it is anatomy, ohh, byk nyer muscle n ligament kat neck, larynx, n pharynx, can i just skip n hafal tim dh nk exam nnti??

tulung2 la hafal muscle ni..
oh, head, pleas la function properly,

this is what you get when 

  • sleep at  2.30 am last night, stay up reading sophie kinsella's novel
  • then tido tim maghrib
should never do that again...

n now, thanks to ika, listening to ct nurhaliza, smbil melalak2 sikit(sori housemate) 
untuk mengurangkan kadar ketidakfunctionan otak ku.

Sunday, 2 January 2011


as usual, TAylor swift again..

suka bangat lagu ni.

please, don't be in love with someone else,

please don't have somebody waiting on you

I was enchanted to meet you
- hahaa, these line i love most, its kinda sweet :)