Tuesday, 27 December 2011

why i love being home :)

I got all those funny sentences during this holiday..

Cerita pertama

Ketika berjalan2 di kedai eletronik mencari peti aih (sebut cara orang utara) dengan angah, rayyan, memen n mia.
Rayyan – pak su, paksu (memanggil memen yang sebenarnya pak tehnya)
Angah – tu bukan pak su la ayyan, tu pak teh
Rayyan – ateh ka acu ke same aje (loghat kl nya)
Thats my anak sedara, who love to main beg troli saya, sibuk ja usung sana sini beg tu.

Cerita kedua

Sekitar jam 8.30 malam, selepas sekeluarga menonton tentang dhia. Tiba-tiba tv terpadam.
Papa – aik, pasaipa tv ni terkatup sendiri.
Adik- haa tu mesti mak mentua yang buat
Aku awal2 blur sikit awat adik aku jawab camtu, huhu, baru sedar ni pengaruh tentang dhia.

Cerita ketiga

Bising2 kat jamil kemas rumah.
Dia jawab – pasaipa n kena kemaih, dia duduk seminggu jaa.
Dh tk tau nk lawan apa dh nk paksa dia kemas.

Cerita keempat

Di dalam kereta, kakak sulung cerita. Perihal anaknya titin.
Titin cakap kat mummy dia – T kalau mak njang kawin mesti mak njang dah tk balik rmh tok dah, dia ikut suami dia. (bajet aku nk kawin mat saleh ka smpai tk balik Malaysia ni, hik2)
Nak tergelak aku dengar, huwu, jadi mak njang tk leh kawin laa mcm ni titin??? Hee dun worry, iA pak cik titin org Malaysia. Mak tok kan dh pesan jgn kawin org luar, nk dekat2 ja J

-thats why i love being home J those merepek2 ayat yang keluar dari my family, love you all, much J J

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Renungan bersama

While reading a blog, yeah some of you might know the blog that i follow, hee
I read this sentence:

  “ Sibuk mencantikkan diri dan berhias, mencari penawar masalh jerawat, tapi pernahkan sibuk mencantikkan ibadah dengan ALLAH? “


Rasa tertampar disitu.
Ya ALLAH, jauhnya aku dari MU.
Alpa dan leka dengan janji dunia.
Sibuk mencantikkan diri
Berhabis duit membeli baju-baju cantik (admit i shop a lot of baju nowadays, urggh)
Bertempek2 segala maneka kat muka untuk menutup cela di wajah (scrub, mask, foundation)
Sibuk cari penawar mengatasi masalah rambut (huwu sedang cuba)


Tak pernah langsung terpikir cara nk mencantikkan ibadah pada ALLAH
Tak pernah sibuk2 nak berhias ketika bertemu ALLAH
Tak pernah cari penawar untuk mengkhusyukkan solat..

YA ALLAH, aku terlalu mengejar kesempurnaan di dunia hingga terlupa kesempurnaan pada mu YA RAB.
Terlupa Kau yang akan ku temui di akhir hidup ini.
Sucikan hati, jelas dan murni kan niat..

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

date a doc is much better ??

Lol, i read one blog before that dont date a doctor as they are so busy and did not know how to dress nicely..
But here are some interesting facts about doc then, why you should date them ..

hee that so true, we learn that, how to break the bad news and listening to others :)

-erk, am i kinda promoting myself, NOOOOOO, it just that wanna realised people its OK to date a doc :) :)

long ago

Friday, 16 December 2011


Holiday start oready...
YeaH, what to do aa??
Got plenty of things that i plan,
·        Lawat mak angkat
·        Reunion with my skulmate skolah rendah
·        N main dgn anak sedara,

Cuti itu amat best n Nikmat

Ps- ada satu benda serabut dlm hati, haish...

Monday, 12 December 2011


Selagi belum sampai masanya,
Jangan pernah putus asa..

- (satu perangai syaitan yang boleh dicontohi manusia, tidak pernah putus asa menggoda anak anak ADAM)

Jadi jangan putus asa.

hai exam

hai exam, awak dtg lagi dlm hidup saya. 
saya sgt takut bertemu awak, please2 be gentle and not tough.

so scared am in stress moment, thinking of the past2 years that happen to me.

i dont know.

ALLAH, help me. 

- i wish and pray i can do the best for my exam.

Saturday, 10 December 2011


 im so sad mengenangkan kesalahan kesalahan lalu.

AMpuni Aku ya ALLAH ..


i ruin my plan today.
so SAD..

Thursday, 8 December 2011


I need a big hug, big big one to make me feel calm and comfortable,
I need a shoulder to cry on to make me feel ok.

really need a rest!

I’m so scared..

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

i Am

We are not perfect,
We could not always satisfied other people,
Learn to say No if we are not pleasant to do it,
And agree and say YES if only we want and will to.

-        -  Some random thought, on this Tuesday.

Friday, 2 December 2011

i love you

i fall in love with this song, due to 10 things about you

Monday, 28 November 2011

fairy tales

There always a fairy tales lies in each girl heart 

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

BLOOD taKIng...

Before this, the time that dinanti-nantikan selaku pelajar medik adalah amik darah, hee cuak gila nk amik darah org, kat patung pun kdg dapat kadang tk, hee

but today, YEAHHH, i've done venessection on 5 people. 

HOORAAYYY !!! i want to remember this date.
-lupa nk mention, hee 3 success the other 2 not, sobs3..
the first one on budak, vein tk nampak, tk reti nk amik
second on mak cik, yeahaa dapat.
third on pak cik, sibuk tanya pak cik tu senang ke nk jadi doktor ni kalau pompuan, t sapa nk jaga kat rumah, kesian kat anak. hee kelakar soalan pak cik tu
fourth on a young man, huhh tk dpt amik drh, siap kena perli lg dgn mamat tu, takut2 mana nk dapat darah, perghhh pedas tu
fifth on mak cik as well. yeah dapat..

but its ok what, hee at least ada pencapaian sikit, biasala kan awal2 ni..
Oho, i am just so excited.

and yeah done cannulation on people as well, this one FAIL. on both attempts.


Wednesday, 9 November 2011


getting better,
i hope this is the end stage ..

lol, u can bring me sunshine, through all my days..

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Lets run..

I cou ld  w alk ,

I cou ld  ru n,

Bu t  YET,

W hy am   I stu ck   here..

Is it because I’m opt to stay?

Thursday, 20 October 2011


I miss the smell of babies,
I want to kiss the kids,
I want to hug the children.

Oo ALLAH, i miss my anak sedara so much..
Mia, rayyan, titin and ijat, mak njang miss u guys so much..
Come and visit mak njang here..

Saturday, 8 October 2011

a Doa


Jadikanlah aku hamba yang SOLEHAH,
Meninggalkan amarah-Mu dan melaksanakan suruhan-Mu
Anak yang menyenangkan hati ibu bapanya,
Kakak yang prihatin kepada adik-adiknya,
Adik yang sentiasa mendengar rintihan kakak-kakaknya,
Kawan yang menolong kawan di kala susah dan tidak meninggalkannya,
Musuh yang sudi memaafkan musuhnya,


kurniakan lah aku ya ALLAH,
seorang pendamping,
membimbingku dunia dan akhirat,
membaiki kebengkokan diriku.


kinda nice :)

Wednesday, 5 October 2011



Ku panjatkan kesyukuran pada-MU ALLAH.

Finally im FREE :)
Wahai Tuhan, mengapa wanita sering menangis?


Kerana wanita itu unik.
Aku ciptakannya sebagai makhluk istimewa,
Ku kuatkan bahunya untuk menjaga anak-anaknya,
Ku lembutkan hatinya untuk memberi rasa aman,
Ku kuatkan rahimnya untuk menyimpan benih manusia,
Ku teguhkan peribadinya untuk terus berjuang pada saat yang lain menyerah,
Ku berikannya naluri untuk mencintai anak-anak dalam apa jua keadaan sekalipun,
Ku kuatkan batinnya untuk tetap menyayangi walau dikhianati oleh teman,
Walau disakiti oleh “orang” yang dia sayangi..
Wanita makhluk kuat,
Tetapi jika satu saat dia menangis itu kerana Ku berikannya air mata untuk membasuh luka batin dan memberi kekuatan baru.

ps :)

Sunday, 2 October 2011

word to hold.

Rezeki terletak di tangan ALLAH,
Bukan di tangan manusia.
iA andai ada rezeki ada, tkda tkda lah.

 hidup hanya sementara.
Tk perlu buru semua benda.
Kita mmg tk mampu memiliki semua.

Dapat sikit pun jadilah.

Saturday, 1 October 2011


Kita boleh stay up semata-mata nk habiskan baca novel, must admit buku2 ahadiat akashah, zuraidah Othman pernah membuatkan mataku terjaga smpai pukul 3 pagi untuk menghabiskannya.  Tanpa ngantuk pun dan tnpa minum kopi tu.


Ergh, nak habiskan baca buku, satu helai muka surat pun bak satu penyiksaan. Wawawawaa


one of my fav :)
Adakah sebab bukan hasil karya ahadiat? Zuraidah? Sophie kinselaa??
Adakah sebab buku itu tiada elemen romantik? Tragis? Drama? Gaduh2 sikit? Erk  mungkin tiada part leleh2air mata?
Adakah mungkin ayat2 yang digunakan sangat la senang nk dipahami? Berbanding buku ini yang bermacam2 laa nama syndrome yg susah sgt nk ingt n hapal
Adakah mungkin kulit buku ini tidak secantik dan semenarik kulit novel yang sering dibaca?


why you cant be my fav book??
Ps:Terlalu banyak alasan untuk di listkan.
Pikir2 balik, sebenarnya, diri sendiri yang malas nk baca buku..

Friday, 30 September 2011


            when it happen to others, they silent.
    but when it happen to you, yeah, you speak it up..

Thursday, 29 September 2011

this is from u :)

This is from qiedah, i found it kinda sweet :)

i miss newcastle, i miss all of u so much, we couldnt turn the time back..


Jangan buat salah,
Jangan terlalu kecewa andai tersalah.
Jangan takut nanti salah.
Jangan ulangi perkara salah.
 Jangan pula merasakan diri tidak pernah salah.
Jangan cepat mengutuk orang yang bersalah.
Jangan mencari-cari pada orang lain perbuatannya yang salah.

Those words for reminder J

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Semakin dekat kita dengan hari esok,

Semakin dekat kita dengan hari kematian,

Semakin berkurang angka untuk ke hari kiamat..

Ya ALLAH,  bersediakah aku??

Saturday, 24 September 2011


Try answer this by YES or No

There is always somebody you gonna be friend with,

There is always somebody we wanna forever be friend with them,

There is always somebody, we want to tell every single thing to him/her,

There is always somebody we turn to when there is any problem,

There is always somebody we think of everyday,

There is always somebody we want to cheer them of,

There is always somebody we want to love,

There is always somebody meant for us,

There is always somebody, which when we see they're face, we always be mad,

There is always somebody which we always have fight,

There is always somebody which is one of our enemy,

There is always somebody we gonna scared for,

If most of your answer is NO,
Dude, check out, you might be not normal (joking > < " )... 

heee as normal person we  mostly have that somebody :)

Friday, 16 September 2011


i got a hectic life now,

ohoo no more kebebasan,

this is what i choose,

though i want to patah balik n choose to become a teacher..


Sunday, 4 September 2011


to be true.

I couldnt stop...

Thursday, 25 August 2011


Im just so far away,

far enough i guess..

bring me back, PLEASE

Tuesday, 23 August 2011



it is just so HARD,

im trying and trying,

but i always fall...

Thursday, 18 August 2011

nur kasih..

i watched nur kasih on the first day org tu upload kat youtube, the next day dh removed dh, nasib baik smpat habiskn tguk mlm tu jugak, BUT...

series tk paham cita dia, pening2 n blur n tk suka ending dia..


lagu yg dinyanyikan mila memg best...

n seperti biasa the best part that i like is .

at the intro when aidil talked to nur.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011


i'll make a plan,

soon, when im just so tired being a doc,

i will resign and open 





yeah :) 



please remind me ALLAH,
im still a student,
that still in a journey to complete my study,
not a tourist,
which is on vacation..

mood malas nk p sekolah dh dtg,

Tuesday, 16 August 2011


the tittle might not suit the contents, but its ok..

uhuu i just wanna stay at home, rest and sleep n golek2 atas my own bed..
miss my home, katil n room so much, 
being far away from it long enough..

i wanna breathe the air,
i wanna stare at those sawah padi, 
relaxing my mind,
thinking what i wanna do next.
caused that is the most moment i miss lot,
since im in MRSM..

i got so many things to think,
but i put it aside,
im so malas to think about it.

-ergh, tulunglaaa paham.. eeeeeeeeeeee 

maybe im just expecting too much. 

medic student

my life as medic student...

weekdays n weekend
Study2 sambil takut sbb exam mmg susah tahap petala ketujuh, depression pn ada jgk, panis disorder bakal wujud waktu ini

hari exam
tk blh tido (anxiety) maasa mlm exam, nausea n cuakan melampau smpai nk ngis tim nk langkah ke exam hall . loss appetite 

after exam
stress paper susah, anxiety masih wujud jadi syndrome insomnia pn ada. tk mampu untuk berjoli sakan lg

im praying i can be a doc in another 3 years,
result day
sllu kalau tau pass exam tu mesti org yg gtau, hee sbb tk ingt result kuar bila. syukur pada ALLAH atas pemberiannya..

Berdasarkan ciri2 diatas, huu nampaknya banyak ciri2 buruk yang berlaku pada seorg pelajar medic macam say ni, hu wajarkah saya menyarankan anak saya mengambil medik jugk? kesian dia nnti mengalami peristiwa depression dan insomnia macam saya ini, sob2..

ok dh merepek, talking about 10 years later, heehee

Sunday, 14 August 2011

you'll learn

when you grown up,
you soon understand what's life is,
began to accept some thing,
that when you were child you thought it is ridiculous, 
knowing we sharing this life together,
plus we are also sharing something with others..

some things that yours will remain yours,
some things that yours is possible to be others too,
some belongs to others might be for you..

life goes on,
 no matter what n how,
accept those things and keep walking..

Monday, 1 August 2011


im sorry, 

i just dont feel like wanna talk to anybody, especially on this critical time,

im so scared...

sorry, once again..