Monday, 30 August 2010

a step to ...

sllu bila mara masuk duit, hum, mesti joli sakan, tk pernah terpikir nk simpan n buat ap2.
satu hari, bila adik riuh nk beli keta satria, n harga dia melibatkan 6 ribu kot,n dia simpan duit nk bayar kereta tu.. baru terpikir, byaknya duit nk guna untuk beli kereta.. adik aku yg baru umor 19 dah kumpul duit nk beli kereta, aku ni??
haish, walaupun tk da lesen kereta lg, heheee (iA, taun depan 2011 bakal amik lesen), teringin gak nk beli kereta, tk kira la kereta apa2 pun, janji first hand n bayar guna duit sendiri (klu mampu)
so, mulai sekarang, aku dh nmpak hala tuju duit elaun mara yang aku dpt tu, perlu dikumpul, supaya dpat la aku beli kereta,

mulai sekarang, sempena merdeka ni, aku wajar la menjadi independent dan mengumpul duitku sebanyak
mungkin, untuk membeli sebuah kereta idaman ku..hee,, kereta apa tu??

Sunday, 29 August 2010


im 21 now, yet, still feeling like im only 8 hee, or may b 12, cause i think i still need somebody to be by my side, to guide me, show me and tell me which decision to make.

hum, i should be more grown up now, open my eyes, and my heart.. should stay strong, and be wise in my life

hum, i still cant walk on my own, still depends on others in doing smthings, i cant work it out by myself.

aarrghh, i should have change.
this is not soooo goooddd....

Saturday, 21 August 2010


hum, trying so hard to reach you, but i cant.. im soo scared, scared if i make a mistake, scared if u get away from me.. im trying, trying each day, to be by your side, but i failed, cause u are far, far away from me, not in front of me, im not there, to be with you, for all this hard time,

hum, trying, to say something, to comfort u, to cheer up your day, trying to hug you n said, all this gonna be ok, just a little thing that u need to settle it up, and trying to be mature, accept it as one of your life, which now u find it is very hard for you to struggle, but later on, you will thanks ALLAH, for giving you this challenge, which make you a better person.

hum, trying, trying to write for you, but each time, my mind said no, stop it, you might be hurting someone, it might not be ok right now, but, just want you to know, i want to be somebody, want to be by your side at this moment, wanna feel how ur feelings.. cause it was tears inside of me right now.. cause i cant be nobody.. sadness in my eyes,,

hum,trying to say sorry, cause i cant be the one beside you, sorry if there any mistakes that i had done,

hum,trying to say, many thankss, youre one of best friends that i have ever found in my life, love u lots, thankss so much cause give me a chance knowing you.

hum,trying to say there is another rainbow for you dear, ALLAH had created one, wipe up your tears, and fake a smile, a nice one, cheer up your day..

lots of love, n lots of trying,,
me myself..

keeping it up for secret..

hari ni kawan aku, dayang jadi org seken tau aku ada blog, hehe, aku mmg tk gtau sapa2 pun aku ada blog, sbb aku tulis untuk suka2, n merepek2 ja, plus aku segan nak kasik org baca, hua2.
so, keeping it up for secret,
sebenarnya mood masa tulis blog ni memg macam2. antaranya :
  1. happy - happy sebb kena bukak posa sengsorg. akibat tanak ikut mama g bukk posa dkt surau, hee, bukn ap, mn la nk kenal sgt org kaampung, t mesti kena soal siast anak sapa, keja apa, hu, berjela2, huhu, so, pukul 6 tu kelam kabut la mask, hu, masak aym masak kicpa ja, simple, plus tu ja brg yg aku sempat sambar dlm masa sejam.. hu, berbuka la aku dgn senang hati smbil tguk doraemon.
  2. pening - hu, aku ngah carik lagu dalam movie melayu tadi,, emily, bes cita dia, aku ngn mak aku gelak sakan, tapi pening sbb tk tau tajuk lagu tu ap, yang aku tau, hum ada rangkap pelangi kelam, something2... try la taip pelangi, huu, banyak nyaa pelangi, pelangi resort laa, kau umpama pelangi (blog seseorg).. susah nyaa nk carik lagu sedap tuu.. end up, haaiissh, surrender biarllaa lagu sedap tu, t senang2 carik lagi
  3. sedih - sedih sebb terbaca yang humm, sir bi aku dah cerai dengan isteri dia.. hum, sungguh tak ku sangka, mmg betul la kan, kita ni org luar, hya melihat n nampak mereka bahagia, n sangka iA jodoh mereka kekal, but then, end up macam ni,. huu, sedih..
  4. rindu - huhu, rindu suasana dulu, bila semua adik beradik berkumpul, tk sunyi mcm ni, hum, tinggal mama ngan aku ja kat rumah, almaklum, kakak semua dh kawin, satu kat kl, adik2 smua duduk asrama, jadi la sunyi rumah ni., haishhh,, now, missing those old dayss...

Wednesday, 11 August 2010


tetiba teringat zaman2 sekolah.. rasa rindu balik nk blaja kat skolah tadika. bes nyaa pengalaman p skolah.walaupun dulu sgt malas nk g.. antara sekolah yang pernah masuk dulu.

  1. YWCA - skolah tadika masa umo 5 n 6 tahun, mas umo 5 taun tu, kak an yg teman ku g skolah, sebab kak an skolah sesi petang, dia teman aku kat skolah tim pg, hee, dlm kelas slalu ushar luar tingkap, nk tguk dia ada ka tk, ingt lg, ada one day tu, tgah2 blaja dlm kelas,, pastu tguk luar tingkap, kak an tkda, trus ku lari kuar kelas n carik, nangis2 tim tu, jenuh cikgu nk, pastu kn, ada biskut yang sedap tim aku mkn kat tadika, suka sgt biskut tu, sllu aku yg amik plg byak biskut tu, hehee, kdg2, dah hbis kelas, b4 balik, aku g mintk kat mk cik kantin biskut tu..
  2. Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan Residensi. he, skolah kat sini dari darjah satu smpai la darjah 6. nama kelas aku dari darjah satu sampai darjah 3, kelas nanas, darjah 4 smpai darjah 6 kelas, cikgu yang tk blh lupa kat skolah ni cikgu norazizah, dia la ckgu yang aku mmg kamceng la, hee, dah la dia cikgu pengawas, blh ja aku selamba mintk dia belikan cd lagu westlife n bawakkan kat skolah.. laksa kat kantin paling sedap, klu tim ada laksa ja mesti aku lajuu gerak g beratur.huu masa last day skul kitorg main baling tepung, best.. pastu kena marah dgn cikgu, tapi last day, tk kisah pun cikgu marah, n ha, tim darjah 2, cikgu sllu panggil budak2 g baca sifir kat depan, tapi seingt aku, aku tk pernah kena, (nasib baik, sebb aku tk pernah hafal sifir pun dulu) hee..
  3. MRSM langkawi -oh, sekolah menengah since from 1 smpai form 5, hum, antara smua2 form, aku sgt suka zaman form 3 dkt langkawi, sgt2 seronok, kenangan program gerak gemilang sgt bes, jalan kaki dari mrsm ke pantai pasir hitam pengalaman paling bes,.. ooh, everything about form 3 is the sweet n best moments for me :) .. oh n last day masa form 5 kat mrsm. aku n geng 7E aku, hee, panjat tanggaa duduk atas bumbung makan megi. besnyaa zaman2 dulu.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010


hr ni nk share lagu yang ku btul2 minat, since dgr awal2 lg, lagu ni taylor swift punya. lyric dia sgt mnarik, blh katakn hari2 dgr lagu ni, tajuk dia brEaThe

I see your face in my mind as I drive away,
Cause no one of us thought it was gonna end that way.
People are people and sometimes we change our minds.
But it’s killing me to see you go after all this time.

Music starts playin’ like the end of a sad movie,
It’s the kinda ending you don’t really wanna see.
Cause it’s tragedy and it’ll only bring you down,
Now I don’t know what to be without you around.

And we know it’s never simple never easy.
Never a clean break, no one here to save me.
You’re the only thing I know like the back of my hand,
And I can’t,
Breathe, without you,
But I have to,
Breathe, without you,
But I have to.

Never wanted this, never wanna see you hurt.
Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve.
But people are people,
And sometimes it doesn’t work out,
Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall out.

And we know it’s never simple,
Never easy.
Never a clean break, no one here to save me.
You’re the only thing I know like the back of my hand,
And I can’t,
Breathe, without you,
But I have to,
Breathe, without you,
But I have to.

It’s two a.m.
Feelin’ like I just lost a friend.
Hope you know it’s not easy,
Easy for me.
It’s two a.m.
Feelin’ like I just lost a friend.
Hope you know this ain’t easy,
Easy for me.


hum, kartun2 yang memg ku suka masa kecik2 n dah besar still sukaa.memg byak. sbb suka kartun, huu. ANtaranya AdaLah :
  1. beauty and the beast- cita dia sgt best, suka sgt2.. hee, ku rasa antara semua watak2 pricess disney, belle la yg paling cantik..
  2. shin chan - sgt2 comel, tim dulu2, anak sedara aku, damia qaisara, mmg akan tguk shin chan ja dr dia bukak mata smpai la tido blik pd waktu mlm, tim tu mmg perit la, dia ja control tv, tk dpt nk tguk channel lain dah...
  3. doraemon-hee, kartun sepanjang zaman, suka nobita n rakan2nya..
  4. upin n ipin - cartoon melayu yg memg ada kelas, huhu, mcm real ja watak tu, ingt g g tguk wayang cita ni dgn paktirah, rasanya tim tu panggung penuh dgn org2 tua, huu
  5. spongebob-huhu, suka kartun ni, bestt..

Monday, 2 August 2010


do you ever feel hopeless??
tk bermaya..
bila dengar lagu ni, rasa semngat ja
YA ALLAH, betul
kan jalanku,
moga dapat apa yang dikehendaki, permudahkan ku YA ALLAH

Everytime you feel like you cannot go on You feel so lost

That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can`t see which way to go Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insya Allah 2x
Insya Allah you`ll find your

Everytime you can make one more mistake
You feel you can`t repent
And that its way too late
Your`re so confused,wrong
decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insya Allah 2x Insya Allah you`ll find your way
Insya Allah 2x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way

Turn to Allah
never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don`t let me go astray
You`re the only one that s
howed me the way,
Showed me the way 2x
Insya Allah 2x
Insya Allah we`ll find the way

huu,iA, moga dipermudahkan,

aizat syahmi.

huu, nk kongsi kisah n pengalaman aku first2 dapat ank sedara, hee, masa tau kak aku mengandung, tim tu aku kat langkawi, form 3. first time balik cuti, jumpa anak sedara. huu, comel2, rasa best sgt tguk anak sedara sendiri, selama ni dengar2 ja org lain ada ank sedara.
nk dijadikan kisah, pada satu mlm, kak aku mintk bancuhkan susu untuk jijat, aku pun, dgn konfiden tanp tanya apa2 trus pi dapur masak air. air dah siap masak, ok, masukkan air dlm botol, letak susu, 2 scoop, then masukkan gula, dlm2 sudu teh.
heee..tetiba ada satu suara jerit, Ya ALLAH, susu baby mn ada org letak gula,,(mama yg jerit) heh,, mna la org tau, huu, pertama kali buat susu, ingt sama ja mcm bncuh milo..
huhu, mujur tk smpat kasik lg dkt jijat, klu tk, mesti jijat sakit perut..
mmg kenangan tk blh lupa laa..

my first thingss

hee, my first time buat blog, nge2.

so, memandangkan ni first time buat blog, jadi mai kita cita tntg benda first2 dalam hidup aku.

first tadika = YWCA penang, sebelah masjid negeri, huu, blaja buku cerita peter n jane..
first ustazah = ustazah fatahyah,hu, ustazah yang sgt baik n byk ajar aku erti agama..
first dapat hadiah=hum, byk, tapi kalu dpt hadiah kat skolah rasanya tim mengaji, darjah satu, ingt lg, dpt no 3 dlm kelas, tpi pelik mcm mn blh dpt hadiah, padahal masa dlm exam, tk tau pun jawab apa, pakai main hentam jaa, mayb rezki kot..
first rumah sukan=hee. rumah kuning, dari darjah satu smpai laa darjah 6.
first masuk lawan lari= haa, ni tk tau mcm mn cikgu blh pilih masuk, masa darjah 4. he, padahal tk pernah lari2 ni, ingt lg, masuk untuk 4xbapa ratus ntah, tpi meng gak, emas kot. huu..
first benda beli sendiri(yang mahal la)= jam tgn BUM yang dok pakai smpai la skrg,hu, tu kira bnda pling mahal la tim2 form 5, kumpul duit mara beli.
first phone=hee, nokia apa ntah, tk hingat jenis mcm mn, tpi tulah phone first, hadiah dari auntie.berkat aku dan adik aku,rehan dapat 8a tim PMR,
byk sungguh bnda first time dlm hidup, ni la yang dapat listkan..
first anak sedara-ku aizat syahmi.huhu, tim tu excited sgt dpt ank sedara. memg tk blh dgar dia ngis,mest nk tguk ap la yang tk kena ngan dia.. hu, tu tim form 3, sekarg, memandangkn angahku pun dh kawin, jadi bertambah la lg ank sedara